How To Improve Footwork Soccer Skills By Using Sticks

When it comes to improving footwork soccer skills, one very simple yet effective tool is sticks. You can create a great training course with them – no matter whether you purchase some, use kindling, or use fallen twigs. However, if you are going to use the fallen twigs, make sure they are straight.


Sticks that are 4- 5 feet long and 1x1 inch are good enough for the purpose. Lay them down as if they are the rungs of a ladder. Now, being an expert coach, you can have the players do various exercises, such as running, hopping, and ball work.

Various Exercises

You can start with running drills. In this method, have the players step once or twice between each stick. While doing so, the players must change direction at each turn, shuffling sideways between the sticks. You can also have the players run between the sticks lengthwise.

Another thing that you can have the players do is hopping. Have the players hop on one foot or two feet. The players must hop with variations, such as forward, backward, sideways, etc. what is more, they should also alternate feet while doing so.

Ball Practice can also improve footwork effectively. In this method, have the players dribble around the sticks. Ball practice may also include passing the ball through and sprinting after it or passing exercise through the channels between the sticks.

You can also have the players shuffle between the sticks and pushing the ball from the end of one stick to the next stick. However, for this specific exercise, make sure that they position balls at both ends of each stick.

Sticks can also be used to improve the footwork of the goalkeepers. You can have the goalkeeper’s practice catching and saving balls while shuffling through channels or sprinting through them.

Of course, you can explore the various other possibilities, using your imagination. An expert coach will certainly come up with an infinite supply of drills and activities.

In fact, when it comes to using the sticks to practice different exercises to improve footwork soccer skills, there are virtually endless possibilities.

Andre Botelho is a recognized authority on the subject of footwork soccer. His web site, Coaching Youth Soccer Training Drills:, provides a wealth of informative soccer articles, resources and tips for soccer coaches, parents and players.

If you are really serious, you might be interested in this package to improve yourself, Youth Soccer Power Unleashed!

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